Thursday, April 17, 2014


Over on facebook Rob Liefeld has been sharing with his fans a few snippets of his upcoming covers and projects. One such Project is the Brigade reboot he has been working on.

He is quoted saying, " Sooooooo 20 years ago I would provide tight layouts for the young artists in my studio to draw from. It helped maintain a clear level of storytelling and energy that fans were digging. I'm currently giving homage to this sequence from #Bloodstrike#2, 1993 in my new #BRIGADE book. The left is finished by Dan Fraga and Danny Miki over my layout the right is my latest version, pen and ink by #robliefeld"
 Isn't that cool or what? Say what you will about Rob Liefeld, he is a busy comic creator. He has various covers, interior pages and he attends a lot of events and he certainly loves his fans. I just look seeing how he takes his previous work and recreates it for his latest book he is working on. Keep up creating sir!!

Jake Estrada

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